When Maithili Sharan Gupta, a famous Hindi poet wrote years ago, "Abla Jeevan Hai Teri Yehi Kahani, Aanchal mein hai doodh aur aankhon mein paani (what
is the life of a helpless woman, tears in her eyes and suckling child
in her lap)", he had portrayed a rather helpless image of women. That
was many many years ago. While the woman has emerged stronger and
achieved everything a man could, the atrocities on women have not ended
but they have changed shapes. Society is going through turbulent times where
the new woman is breaking barriers and evolving as a stronger pillar in
the society questioning patriarchal mindset which perhaps is making the
chauvinist Indian male insecure. "Offence is the best form of defence".....this is perhaps the reason why the insecure men commit crimes on women.
This Women's Day lets pledge to celebrate every woman who has found her
voice and believed that a in healthy social system she has to be
respected and regarded as a an equal important part...nothing less, nothing more. Lets also pledge to give hope and support to every woman who has been victimized because she has not compromised her values. A woman is not 'abla' but 'sabla'-someone who has the courage and conviction to bring about a positive change in the society.
Fearless/Funny/Furious/Funky/Faujified/Fortified Quickies from Forty teen Feminist. What the F/... is all about F./Reader discretion solicited/Words can sting n bite/Need mature minds..Hence U/A. Pun intended, I am a PUNjabi..
Quick Hi!
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Quirky reading !!!
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