Quick Hi!

Thank you my quirky reader. It does not matter who you are and where you from but my words sure are from the heart. You may follow, read at leisure and leave a comment. You may share the good word if you like a quickie note or even if you do not I am okay with you peeping here once in way ..there will always be something for you at Fortified Quickies from writingdoll. Some words may sting or bite but some may soothe your soul.
Quirky reading !!!

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Friday, December 16, 2016

पैसा पैसा करती है***क्यों पैसे पे ये मरती है?

पैसा पैसा करती है***क्यों पैसे पे ये मरती है?
बेंकों में पैसा नहीं है। ए॰टी॰एम॰ पर लम्बी लम्बी क़तारें हैं। कल SBI की बड़ी ब्रांच में १०० से अधिक लोग लाइन में लगे थे और शटर डाउन कर दिया गया। लोग चिल्लाने लगे। जनता का ग़ुस्सा जायज़ है। कुछ लोग पिछले गेट पर चिल्ला रहे थे। मैंने अपने होम लोन की आख़िरी किश्त देनी थी, हाथ में कैश नहीं था, बैंक के पास डिजिटल इंटर्फ़ेस नहीं था, स्वाइप मशीन नहीं थी, और तो और, प्रश्नों के उत्तर नहीं थे। ग़ुस्सा तो बोहोत आया पर मोदी पर नहीं। अकेले प्रधानमंत्री मोदी क्या कर सकता है। उनका इरादा नेक है तभी तो इतना काला धन बाहर आया है। watsapp पे चुटकले और मज़ाक़ की भरमार है। एक साथ कितने ही नए इकानमिस्ट, अर्थशास्त्री पैदा हो गए हैं। मैं एक साधारण इंसान हूँ। कुछ कोमोन सेन्स की बातें लिख रही हूँ।
देश में तीन प्रतिशत लोग ही इंकम टैक्स भरते हैं जिसका मतलब है कि बाक़ी लोगों की आमदनी २,५०,००० रूपेय से कम है। यानी बायीस हज़ार प्रति माह से भी कम। तो लाइन में हर रोज़ कौन लोग हैं और किसका पैसा निकलवा रहें हैं? यह सच में सोचने वाली बात है। बिल तो ATM कॉर्ड से भी चुकता कर सकतें हैं। तो इतनी मारामारी क्यों है? कुछ लोग अनजान हो सकते है पर इतने सारे स्मार्ट फ़ोन वाले लोग नहीं।
बैंक का काम, इस नेक काम को ईमानदारी से करना था पर वो तो “बिल्ली के ज़िम्मे दूध” वाली कहावत सच कर गए। सारे नहीं पर बोहोत से बैंक कर्मचारी तो हवाला और काले धन के दलाल निकले। काले धन की दलाली में अपना मुँह काला करने से भी नहीं डरे। यह नहीं कि पैसा नहीं था, पैसा था पर चोरों ने मिलीभगत से काले धन के ठेकेदारों को पहुँचा दिया। आम आदमी हाय हाय करता रह गया। इसमें अकेला मोदी क्या कर सकता था?
मैं नहीं जानती कि देश द्रोह की परिभाषा क्या है पर यह जानती हूँ की देश का अहित सोचने वाला ही देश द्रोही है। सारे चोर और बैंक कर्मचारी जो काले धन की दलाली कर रहें है देश द्रोही हैं और इनको कड़ी से कड़ी सज़ा दी जानी चाहिए। इनको नौकरी से बर्खास्त कर जेल में डालना चाहिए। जिनके पास भी काला धन है उन्हें भी धन छीन कर सलाखों के पीछे डालना चाहिए।
इन दिनों मैं भी बहुत लोगों से मिली हूँ और बात करी है। सबसे ज़्यादा तकलीफ़ उनको है जिन्होंने कभी टैक्स नहीं दिया, इंकम का हिसाब नहीं रखा, शराफ़त से काम नहीं किया। आम आदमी भी अगर परेशान है तो उसे परेशानी मोदी की पॉलिसी से नहीं बैंक के लालची बंदरों की वजह से है।
जितना धन हर रोज़ पकड़ा जा रहा है उस से पता चलता है कि पैसे की कमी नहीं है। ख़ास करके २००० के नए नोट भी,,,, अगर यह नोट ATM पर मिलते रहते तो इतनी हाय तौबा ना मचती।
विपक्ष के दल और दूसरे राजनेता जो भी इस नोटेबंदी का विरोध करते हैं या आम आदमी का हितैषी बनते है वो सबसे बड़े चोर हैं। उनको आम आदमी की चिंता नहीं बल्कि अपनी पूँजी हाथ से निकल जाने की चिंता है। आने वाले दिनों में बहोत कुछ बदलने वाला है। चोर भयभीत हैं और आनन फ़ानन में जुर्म पे जुर्म करते जा रहें है।
एक ईमानदार हिंदुस्तानी को डरने की कोई ज़रूरत नहीं है। देश को इस वक़्त हिम्मत और धैर्य की आहुति चाहिए। अगर इस वक़्त हम ने मोदी का साथ नहीं दिया तो चोरों को टक्कर देने वाला पैदा ही नहीं होगा। !!
मैं छोटी मोटी परेशानी झेल कर अपने भारत को संवरता देखना चाहती हूँ। देशभूमि में चल रहे इस महायज्ञ में मेरी यही आहुति है।
मृदुल प्रभा writingdoll
आप सहमत हैं तो इसे share कर सकते हैं।

Monday, December 5, 2016

Dear Zindagi.... Ek Kursi Chahiye... Wtf !!

Dear Zindagi.... the film....Jug the healer....Kursi...

I liked the film. Its good. Its about looking inwards....looking at our problems and tackling them. Engaging tale of human mind....but only till the time I am not told to look at relationships like furniture. Yes.

Well its a film and comes with a disclaimer but tell me if a relationship between men and women is actually like buying a piece of furniture. A chair...a Kursi... I mean seriously?? Should one go check out prospective partners like Kursi? She fits? He fits? And fits what? Comfortable? Hard? Soft? Cushioned? Like Kursi? I do not know how do the modern girls n boys look at it. May be its a very good idea to check out people before we zero in on someone but it is certainly not my idea. I could never think of relationships like materialistic things. Certainly not Kursies.

And why do we feel that only conjugal relationships between men and women have to be like choosing a kursi. Your relationships with mother, father, brother, sister or even your children who come through that bond with a stranger are not tried and tested like a kursi. Whether one loves or hates, one never goes on trying to find that perfect father or mother or brother or sister or child. We accept the loved ones we have in our life (by blood) and accept them as they are. When it comes to loving a man or woman for a 'relationship' we are aware that this is replaceable... if it works fine, well... if it does not... and so on. That is why acceptance becomes difficult. We all know there is a way out if it does not work. Sadly it is this mindset which is causing 'complicated' relationships and divorces and moving on. I hear these terms a lot these days.

There is neither acceptance nor surrender in conjugal relationships. These are lacking depth and respect. Sex is confused with love. Love is confused with commitment. It is a complete mess when two people are trying out partners to see who fits best. This is happening not just amongst 'single ready to mingle' but even in the 'already married but not committed' people.

What about love at first sight and that going weak in the knees feeling? Are those the things of the past? Hopping into beds, trying out sleeping partners is confused with search of love. If sex could be sole source of happiness whores would have been the happiest.

And yes, a relationship between two people evolves over a period of time. No one can find that perfect partner even after trying many. It is just that after every break up one learns to own up at least one mistake of his/hers and improves upon that.

I would say just shut the external noise and listen to your heartbeat. A flutter will alarm you when love knocks at your door. Say "Dear Zindagi" and do not let it go.

And forget that "Jug head"and ....Forget the bloody Kissa Kursi Ka !!

Disclaimer: The views expressed are personal and not to preach morality. Those who disagree can go on trying Kursies.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Hare Krsna !!! ISKCON shows the right way !!

Yesterday visited the #ISKCON temple at Girgaum. Everything was so beautiful. The arrangement was simply the best one has seen in any temple ever. 'Beauty'.... everything lived in the essence of this word. It was simply awesome. No chaos, no noise, no pushing, no filth, no nonsense.... it was prayers, chanting, smiles and fragrance of flowers decorating the mandir. Wonder if all other temples could learn a thing or two about it.

I really wish people go and see for themselves. ISKCON temples have a wonderful way to conduct the rituals and everything is done in the most enchanting way. Visit one.... #ISKCON visit will change the way you look at going to temple. The experience is more spiritual than religious.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Ban those Billboards outside the city limits.

Scenic #Nevada is doing a great job trying to preserve nature and banning billboards. I had a chance to meet these people at Washoe Valley in Nevada and I admired their conviction and the work they had already done. I remember that on my road trip from Leh while crossing over Barlachala from the Lahol Spiti end and entering Rohtang near Manali I witnessed the annoying change in the landscape. Damn every mountain alongside the road was painted with advertisement. Including the rocks in the flowing streams. Commercialism had overtaken the nature. It was heartbreaking. 

What Scenic Nevada is trying to do in Nevada would seriously make sense anywhere in the world. Of course in India too... God has created a beautiful world around us. Billboards kill the joy of beauty of nature. Billboards stick out like sore reminders of man's hunger and greed and selfishness. Billboards are an annoying mind pollution and are driving away the birds and animals away. Do we really need them? Frankly it is an encroachment on nature's territory. I think it should be dealt with seriously.


@writingdoll #writingdoll is with #ScenicNevada and for #Eco preservation.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

No Prescription For The Illiterate?

Case: A domestic help earning a small salary, suffers itching on her feet. Could be due to many things including excessive use of cleansing agents and bare feet walking. She goes to this doctor (with credentials to boot.... consultant to Kaya Clinic and Jaslok) who gives her medicines to eat and ointment to apply. His fees is rupees 500/= for each visit, this includes the cost of medicines.

Beena (name changed) has been there three times. All she has is this doctor's visiting card, where he writes the dates when she has visited his clinic (on the reverse of it). He does not give her any prescription or case sheet. In fact he does not give her any receipts/bills for the medicines or any document that can explain her diagnosis or his treatment. Even the tablet he gives her are pre-cut and without label or any proper packing.

Where are ethics of medical profession? Here is his card and the medicines he has given her.

Whether or not the person understand it, shouldn't it be the duty of the doctor to make a proper prescription. I seriously wish you to share this post and tag #IMA to take necessary action against such #medical professionals. Also please take some time to educate the less educated #helpers around you.