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Thursday, February 25, 2016

No Prescription For The Illiterate?

Case: A domestic help earning a small salary, suffers itching on her feet. Could be due to many things including excessive use of cleansing agents and bare feet walking. She goes to this doctor (with credentials to boot.... consultant to Kaya Clinic and Jaslok) who gives her medicines to eat and ointment to apply. His fees is rupees 500/= for each visit, this includes the cost of medicines.

Beena (name changed) has been there three times. All she has is this doctor's visiting card, where he writes the dates when she has visited his clinic (on the reverse of it). He does not give her any prescription or case sheet. In fact he does not give her any receipts/bills for the medicines or any document that can explain her diagnosis or his treatment. Even the tablet he gives her are pre-cut and without label or any proper packing.

Where are ethics of medical profession? Here is his card and the medicines he has given her.

Whether or not the person understand it, shouldn't it be the duty of the doctor to make a proper prescription. I seriously wish you to share this post and tag #IMA to take necessary action against such #medical professionals. Also please take some time to educate the less educated #helpers around you.