Quick Hi!

Thank you my quirky reader. It does not matter who you are and where you from but my words sure are from the heart. You may follow, read at leisure and leave a comment. You may share the good word if you like a quickie note or even if you do not I am okay with you peeping here once in way ..there will always be something for you at Fortified Quickies from writingdoll. Some words may sting or bite but some may soothe your soul.
Quirky reading !!!

Be warned against plagiarism. I take it seriously. (Do not cut, copy, paste any original content)

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

#‎PK‬ hai kya hai? #OMG !!

#‎PK‬ hai kya hai? I want to ask Aamir? ‪#‎OhMyGod‬ ka yeh kya banaya? If it was not for Aamir's brand power, PK is a very OK 'types' film. ‪#‎OMG‬ the original ‪#‎PareshRawal‬ blockbuster has inspired this #PK but it lacks the punch of that or the Jadoo of Krishh. Aamir did not have to dilate his eyes so much to prove his alien-ness. One could feel the pain in his eyes. Aww I felt so sorry for him. And for Sushant Singh Rajput, who had to lock lips with horrible cosmetic mistake on ‪#‎AnushkaSharma‬'s face. Must have been such a torture. Frankly the movie took off just in the nick of time when you start feeling edgy..arey kya bana rahein hai? Bas picture ki kahani albatta chori ki hui... #OMG, usi ke jaisi hai. Munnabhai steals the show with one of the best song and dance numbers. All the trips from Yerwada slimmed him enough to look smarter than the main cast. He is adorable bhaya. 

#OMG ki batti bana di par thoda masala aur laga diya. Overall, Hinduism is bombarded for all wrong practices. Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, Jains..though are shown but are not defined clearly. So one felt a bit of prejudice there. I wish my teen daughter had written this review because children have raised serious objections to certain observations in the film. Strongest is that... the dancing cars thing was exaggerated and in a bad taste. I could not agree any less. I spoke to some people and none have seen dancing cars with naked alien looking, same to same like Aamir, people.  Since there are not any good movies in theaters there is not much choice during this time. I must say that although ‪#‎AamirKhan‬ has dialed a wrong number to God of films this time....yet he is the tapasvi ji maharaaj of Indian Cinema. Sab sahi hai.. Box Office will be full house any way, after all Hero is a Khan. Khan is the emperor and "emperor's new clothes"...oops he too did not have them on this time but who will say that? There are many dancing car wallahs to keep patronizing movies coming from this 'Khan' too.. and even for a PK there will be no dearth of notes.... may be 300 Crores.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Your God, my God and Bhagwad Gita!!

I am born in a Punjabi Brahmin family and raised among lots of religious rituals and lived a certain way of life as per our family traditions. Being in Punjab, culturally we have also imbibed going to Dargahs and Gurudwaras as an accepted norm of worship. It was never seen as a separate thing.  When we moved to Jalandhar, there was a Church close by and we did go there every now and then and my parents never stopped us. I remember even bringing rosaries and small cross pendants home. I even wore them sometime. No one objected.

Today at the ISCKON temple during discourse on Gita, they spoke about Jesus, the son of God. I was amused because some Christians and Muslims I know would never go inside a temple and never ever eat the prasad offered in temples. I wonder if the Muslim clergy and Christian preachers ever quoted goodness from Hinduism...say Bhagwad Gita for instance.

My daughter told me about Advent and said that she wanted to go to church this month. Of course she can and she did. I still go to church and dargahs and kneel down and bow my head. Its not difficult at all. My God is everywhere because my prayers are answered any where. It is this belief and strong faith that is embedded in my being a Hindu. My religion and perhaps the sanskars given to me by my mother has always kept me rooted to my Hindu roots and yet given me the freedom to explore life's goodness in other religions as well. It does not scare me to enter the Church, Mosque, Gurudwara or a Buddhist Gompa or sharing prasad or any sacred thread. Nothing can shake me from my roots, that is the strength of my sanskars.  That is how it should be. Isn't it?

If 'God is one' then he should be the same and He should be everywhere. So where is the conflict?  The conflict is in our underdeveloped minds. The conflicts stems from poor knowledge and even poorer assimilation of that knowledge.  An open mind reaches out, seeks and imbibes and the freedom to explore gets one many answers. During one of the courses at ISCKON I met two Parsi ladies who too were attending the course. I was surprised when I heard that, and very subtly I found that they have attended another one before that 6 day course. They both felt that the knowledge in Bhagwad Gita is so profound that it is applicable to any one's life beyond the confines of religion and nationality. I was mesmerized just the way when I read 'The Journey Home', the autobiographical book by Radhanath Swami who was born a Jew, raised with Christian boys, travelled through Islamic nations and who eventually found his eternal love in the gullies of Vrindavan.

The beauty of any religion is not how it keeps you bound but how it liberates you to accept just about anyone with love, compassion and respect.

I have just taken a small step in understanding myself through this divine knowledge of Bhagwad Gita. Take a small step, reach out for this book and discover the richness of its content and its relevance in the present times. Its not for nothing that Modi ji has been gifting this book to every head of state he has been meeting.  All the self help books in the world and motivational volumes would weigh lighter than the wealth of knowledge that is hidden in Bhagwad Gita.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

To A Potty Reader

Are you a potty reader? Chances are you are. Then you must read this quickie.

Western Commode is perhaps the worst invention of mankind. Imagine what is so naturally done in a squat is being done in a 'sitting on chair' like position. Most people today suffer digestive tract problems and this very well could be a reason. The waste is not completely expelled from the colon and belly is partially filled at any time. They keep trying various digestive churnas (powders) and pills but keep missing the valid reason for it.

Many people take reading material to their 'comfort zone' and spend hours reading sitting on the commode. Many read their newspapers in the loo. Many have created a small corner for books in the loo. I too once was one of them.  I heard of a gentleman who took tea cups (one after the other) in the loo because he could not relieve himself for hour and half. So he kept sitting there with a book and tea.

Guys, human mind is not equipped to handle two things in one moment, so either one clears or one reads.  In any case if one is really feeling the urgency and the pressure, the job is done in a few minutes. There is hardly any time to sit with the book. Won't it be nice to allot a few minutes to cleanse your internal organs with concentration? Then you can sit in a better place and environment to enjoy what you read. Makes more sense?

Its amazing how life has changed. There was a time when even if a book fell on the ground we would pick it up and touch it to the forehead. For we were taught its importance and it was 'Vidya'..it was a gift from God. Sadly it can not be said about the newspapers today anyway and may be most often people read trash in the privacy of their loos. Now people take their laptops and tablets to continue working in their shittiest time. Oh man! Has it increased productivity? On the contrary it is a cause of 'pain in the but' literally.

None of us is so busy or such a workaholic that we can not spare few moments for that 'Potty Business' because nothing relieves better than that. You will agree to that. Leave your books, newspapers, laptops, tablets and smart phones OUTSIDE your loo....and chant "oh shit, oh shit' only in the privacy of your loo and not through out the day !!! :)

Monday, November 24, 2014

Sanskrit..ization..WHY NOT?

I studied #Russian language in the university and I was surprised to see its similarity to #Sanskrit. The grammar is almost same. Many words too have roots in #Sanskrit. So is #German. Many languages have evolved from #Sanskrit. Its a root language or as they say the mother language. Anybody knowing #Sanskrit will find it extremely easy to understand other languages. I do not understand the hullabaloo about it being introduced in schools as a compulsory language. It may seem like a bitter medicine to begin with but it will do lot of good to our nation. There is wealth of knowledge in our ancient scriptures, be it sciences or pure arts. If the text are not read by the future scientists, architects, doctors, engineers and artists how will they ever understand what has been gifted to them. The knowledge needs to be comprehended, understood and applied in the society for its betterment. Sanskrit should be made mandatory for medical students, architecture and engineering students. They should be made to study ancient scripture too as a part of the curriculum. The difference between #Sanskrit and English is same as Homemade wholesome food and fast food. If we want true nourishment to our brains we must take lessons in #Sanskrit.

 In any case students can learn foreign languages at various other institutions such as Max Mueller Bhawan and Alliance Francaise.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Mumbai locals...our life line..our tried tested way to get anywhere on time..almost a second home to millions who spend at least 4 hours on these trains everyday. In the coaches marked with posters.. fresh, torn, scratched, removed. Have you spared a moment to ask..What is this? Why is this? Who is doing it? Do you like it? Does it mean anything to you? Take a quick look at the following pictures and answer some questions. It has been bothering me for many years. Now that Modi ji has started #swacchh Bharat Abhyaan...these questions may seem relevant to many of us. Together we may find a solution and get things corrected.

Unorganized Advertising.. Is it Free?
Most trains have these advertisements pasted with glue. At places these are scratched out leaving dirty glue marks.  Most of these advertisements are placed randomly and just about anywhere. So perhaps these are unorganized ads pasted by the night operators during the rest hours at night. I can not fathom Railways getting paid for littering the trains. This is a public property and even Railway authorities have no right to spoil it. The trains appear ugly inside and railway authorities are accountable.

Dirtiest and sickest advertisements in Mumbai locals
I asked some people in the trains that do they read these advertisements. College students and working girls said "NO".. They said they have seen it but they ignore these. Do they like it? "No"  But no one seems to bother about it. Why these are there in the first place?
If Railways are getting revenue from these regressive, sick ads.. do they also get compensation for spoiling the seating with glue (possibly a rotten quality, that leaves ugly repulsive marks on seats)

                                            Sabhi samasyaon ka hal ya  sab se badi samasya..??

Sabhi jagah se nirash mata-bahne ek bar avashya phone karein...
What the heck?

In the following poster and in many others I have noticed that women are specifically the targets in these posters.  That is why these posters are on seats, sides, ceiling, backrests ...just about everywhere in the ladies compartments of local trains. Do women in particular pay heed to this? One elderly lady said that yes she had once called these numbers but no one picked up the phone. So, these ads are directed at gullible women. If one notices carefully, these ads are probably of one and the same baba or a gang of babas. Now the questions which arise are..

1. How are these permitted?  These are regressive, sexist ads directed at gullible people.
2. Can't railways provide the same space.. (so much of it) to regular advertisers and revenue generated could be used for the betterment of the commuters?
3. Is it so difficult to nab these people and punish them? Their addresses and phone numbers can be used to locate them and fine could be collected per poster for damaging the public property and for displaying illegal ads.
4. If these are paid ads then railway authorities should be asked.. is it how they are ruining the public transport? Couldn't there be a better way and better advertisements?

Think about it. Share it... Broadcast it. Take it from here and lets get to travel in some decent looking trains and not some filthy coaches with stupid posters of these Dhongi tantrik babas.. We owe it to the society. If anyone can tell me the way to go.. we will take it to the concerned authorities.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Fauj ki Daaru

(Written in a lighter vein and is not directed at any one person.. बहुत लोग दिल पे ले सकते हैं। Please know you are not the only one.. :) Enjoy..Happy Diwali.

आर्मी? आप आर्मी में हैं?
मेरे husband.
पहले क्यों नहीं बताया, अरे वह आप से एक काम है।  कुछ चाहिए।
क्या दारु ? एक  स्वाभाविक प्रश्न मेरे मुंह से निकल गया।
अरे हाँ.. एक तो फ़ौज की दारु बहुत सस्ती मिलती है और दूसरा बहुत pure  होती है.  उन्होंने justify kiya..

Well, फौजी की बेटी हूँ, फौजी की बीवी हूँ,, और फ़ौज के दारु के बारे में यह सुनते सुनते उम्र बीत गयी.  नहीं मैं किसी को जज नहीं कर रही पर सच मानिये फ़ौज से जुड़े होने का जो मान एक फौजी परिवार को कभी मिलता था वह अब सस्ती शराब में बह गया। हमारी ख़ासियत यही रह गयी. यह सच है कि एक जनरल ने तो ट्रक भर दारू बेची शायद इसी वजह से दारु फ़ौज की पहचान सी हो गई है.

मैं कभी पीती नहीं थी, पर पति शौक से पीते थे और उनके दोस्त भी और सोशल पार्टीज में फ़ौज में दारु बहुत आम और सहज सी बात है इसलिए हम ने भी बढ़िया से बढ़िया क्रिस्टल के गिलास इकट्ठा कर लिए थे। We faujis actually drink in style. Beer tumblers, mugs, Champagne, Whiskey, Wine glasses, crystal decanters in various shapes and ice pale were part of my Opera crystal collection. Even the choicest bottle openers, cork openers and tongs are a collectors delight and so is my husbands collection of daaru.

Ladies do drink socially and I am not averse to it. Its just that I never felt like but when people pester a lot I ask for Champagne and only few would have it. होगा भी तो सिर्फ मेरे लिए शैम्पेन खोलने के लिए दिल चाहिए.  आधी प्रॉब्लेम तो ऐसे ख़त्म हो जाती है. Once a senior officer actually got after me to drink Vodka and I told him, "Main bina piye logon ki aisee taisee kar deti hoon, aap ne Vodka pila ke apni karvani hai kya." Well he had actually pissed me on many occasions सो मुझ से रहा नहीं गया। The youngsters (young officers) told me in the party "Ma'am sahi diya". What ever ... I tell the same to my husband daaru pila ke kya poochna chahte ho.. aise bata deti hoon..kisi ke baap se darti hoon kya.

चलिए हम ने शुरू भी नहीं की और शादी के दस साल बाद पति ने भी छोड़ दी. अब हम अपने क्रिस्टल के गिलासों में दूध और लस्सी और पानी पीते हैं।  दुःख तो होता है पर ठीक है.  वैसे भी आज कल लोग अधिकतर ड्रिंक्स जैसे ब्रीज़र्स और बियर बोतल से ही पी लेते हैं। वैसे आप को एक बात बताऊँ न ता फौजी दारु कोटा अनलिमिटेड है और न ही फ्री.  आज कल पहले की तरह पीने वाले भी नहीं बचे.  फ़ौज में अब बहुत कम अफसर दारु पीते हैं और लुढ़कने वाले  तो बिलकुल नहीं दिखते जैसे हमे बचपन में दीखते थे।  अलबत्ता औरतों के तौर तरीके बदले हैं और वोदका, बियर और ब्रीज़र्स लेडीज में काफी लोकप्रिय हो गए हैं. और उन्ही में से कुछ लुढ़कने वालों की कमी भी पूरी कर देती हैं. अधिकतर लेडीज बिना पिए डांस फ्लोर पर पैर नहीं रख पाती इसलिए पीती है.  सो लगभग उनके पति का कोटा पूरा हो ही जाता होगा। हमारे जैसों का कोटा दोस्तों के वास्ते हो जाता है।  अब जिनको यह बात मालूम है वह दोस्त रिश्तेदार इसका फायदा ले लेते हैं।  इतना तो दोस्तों के लिए बनता है. पर कभी कभी भलाई भी मुसीबत बन जाती है.  हमारे एक बहुत नज़दीकी दोस्त जो पीने के शौक़ीन थे हमारे कोटे के चलते इतना पीने लगे कि लिवर जवाब दे बैठा।  हमें इतना अफ़सोस पहले कभी नहीं हुआ।

पीते नहीं तो क्या, पिला देते हैं … थोड़ी थोड़ी। . वह ग़ज़ल है न.… महंगी हुई शराब की थोड़ी थोड़ी पिया करो. हम कहते हैं कि सस्ती भी ले लो जनाब, पर थोड़ी थोड़ी पिया करो… न हो जाये लिवर ख़राब, थोड़ी थोड़ी पिया करो।
P.S  I will edit the portion written in English and perhaps write it again later... in Hindi. Due to bad internet I had typed in English.. Just finished this at the Airport before my flight... Posting it right away.. dekh lena.. typos. :)

हम तो चौपालिये हो गये

जैसे एक शराबी मयख़ाने में सकूँ पाता है एक लेखक चौपाल या बैठक में, जहाँ उसके जैसे सुनने सुनाने वाले मिलें। पिछली बार, जब पहली बार चौपाल में पहुँचे, तब से हम तो चौपालिये हो गये। आज किसी ने पूछा कि समन्दर का किनारा छोड़ कर इतनी दूर धूल फाँकने क्यों आ जाते हो? अरे इसी नशे के कारण। एक विचित्र जीव होता है लेखक जो अपनी ही दुनिया में रहता है। ठीक उस शराबी की तरह.। अपनी ही तरह के लोग… बच्चों जैसे। शब्दों से खेलने वाले, कुछ अपने आप से बातें करने वाले पागल, किसी रूह को यार कहने वाले… बड़े अजीब होते हैं यह लोग। पिछली दफ़ा पाँच घण्टे कैसे बीते पता ही नहीं चला।  कुछ लोगो ने कहा, "अब तक की सबसे बढ़िया चौपाल थी" और हमारी पहली। क्या इत्तिफ़ाक़ है न। आज दूसरी बार फिर से मज़ा आ गया . संस्मरणों की चौपाल में कुछ ने गुदगुदाया और कुछ ने तह दर तह जा कर पुरानी यादों को कुरेद कर रख दिया.  किसी की रेल यात्रा थी और कोयला मेरी आँखों में चला गय।,  पगली मैं बहुत रोई.

फिर एक व्यंग्यकार ने इतना हँसाया कि शिकायतें दूर हो गयी. एकाद्शी के पावन दिन पर जीवन की कई सच्चाइयों का पता चला। चौपाल में जा कर अपने ही जैसे लोगों से मिल कर महसूस होता है मुझ जैसी मैं ही नहीं मुझसे बरसों पहले इस दुनिया में आये हुए लोग भी है। यही एहसास मेरी रूह को सकूँ देता है…

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

What's in a surname?

My daughters' passports were to be re-issued.. (RE-ISSUED) and the passport clerk spotted an GROSS error..Surnames do not match with those of the parents. So objection was raised. I went to APO and finally they dug out old application records and cleared the case. Both my girls have their OWN names in full..no surnames or family names. I have to explain this many times to many people that I have given my children a unique identity..they don't have to change their names after marriage etc. My husband is appreciative and supportive of this decision and the school has finally understood that too. Else I was known as Mrs So and so, four different surnames, my maiden, my married one and with my two daughters' second names.

Once a an Air India staffer at Kolkata airport asked me the reasons for no surnames and when I explained it to her, she said, "Hats off ma'am. You are a gutsy women." Guts? It is logical way to give a Girl Child her due place in society. Let her not be known by someone's name and keep changing her identity with changes in her marital status. A name is one's identity and sadly I see many women losing a part of them in these petty changes. Some feel guilty and some feel sad about changing it. Besides everything, it is whole lot of paperwork and unnecessary affidavits that one makes for these changes. As the passport clerk said.. some come for change after marriage, some after divorce and some after remarriage. What a waste of energy, time and resources, Give your girls an UNIQUE NAME and teach them to make a name for themselves. That will bring about a great change in their attitudes and in the society. Whats in a name? Lots, when you have to go through the official documentation. Its legal, social and emotional issue.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Magnificent Mary Kom

#FDFS. This is the first time I have liked a PC movie...for #MaryKom. A woman, a #Manipuri (I have a great connect with that state) the legendary #MaryKom has been documented (more or less) or say immortalized on celluloid. The film has some dialect problem..it lacks continuity but not many would feel that way if they have not been interacting with Manipuris. A great watch for the younger generation, #MaryKom should inspire film makers to bring the stories of many other achievers on celluloid. The high point in the theatre was when our National Anthem is played for Mary Kom's victory (on screen).  People stood up as a mark of respect and sat once the JanGanMan ended...they were wanting some more of #MaryKom. If that is what PC did on screen reliving few moments from a great life, my head bows down to the real heroine of the Boxing rink. MAGNIFICENT,  MARVELOUS, MARY KOM. And I sincerely do hope that the corrupt federation guys get boxed in the head and are knocked out. Take your kids out for an inspiring and entertaining story.

**** Its Four Star Film... Well done Priyanka Chopra!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Water, Water oops Bottles, Bottles everywhere..

I mostly carry a water bottle filled at home and very rarely I buy a #MineralWater bottle. If I do, I feel very guilty about it. Specially about disposing it. I don't understand the pricing of the bottled water. The source is free, perhaps it is the bottling and the carriage cost which one pays to consume this water. 

I have traveled length and breadth of this country and so many times I have drank water from a hand-pump, a well, a waterfall or a stream. Its okay with me. Perhaps someone up there is kind with me..literally मैंने घाट घाट का पानी पिया है। I am not finicky when the source of water is natural. But I doubt the bottled mineral water.  The quality of it. It appalls the way used up water bottles are dotting the landscape everywhere. It is sad to see every historical and tourist place littered with PET bottles. Now even the soft drink bottles are PET, so enough trash to be darted in the tree branches, waterfalls, lakes and river. I have seen people throwing bottles for fun, kick them and leave them. If possible I have asked them to take it back and many times disposed it myself. But disposal itself is questionable. At Elephanta Island there is a heap of trash accumulated. Will it be brought back for recycling? When? Who? How? 

Question is why create situations such as these where we will have to find remedies and sometimes expensive ones. The environment will be damaged and we will pay a very heavy price by then. Why can't we have central potable water units in every place and people fill their bottles from there..free of charge?  By the way, it is become fashionable and perhaps easy way out to keep bottled Mineral Water at every meeting. Even in the government. Gone are the days when a decent sparkling glass of water, covered was kept in front of dignitaries. 

America has created enough trash already and is beginning to change. We in India have it in our genes... we are okay with recycling, reusing and reaffirming our faith in nature. It won't be difficult to BAN THE PLASTIC BOTTLES IN INDIA. We can do it. We should do it and we should do it right away.

#‎GovernmentofIndia‬ ‪#‎BJP‬ ‪#‎BMC‬ ‪#‎MIneralWater‬ ‪#‎Bottledwater‬ ‪#‎trekkers‬ Please check this out. here is google search link... This news is true... Its time we work on this too.


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Ganapati Bappa Morya on eco-drive !!

Hello...... one more thing... equally important.....

There will be a "Beach Clean Up Opearation" on 9th Sept at Girgaum Chowpatty.... to help keep the Chowpatty and Sea clean after the Ganesh Visarjan.

We should do it, we can do it but why? And why not. Last year I too was very gung ho about this cleaning the beaches after Ganapati. I approached some schools in SOBO to chip in and one particular Principal gave me a very thought provoking answer and made me reconsider the entire issue in a new light. Here's what she said..
"Why create such a situation in the first place? Everyone including the authorities first create that mess after visarjan and then we are expecting to bring children to teach them about environment and get them to clean the beaches. What kind of confused message we are giving children?"
I had no answer. I am a staunch Hindu and I love Ganesha and I do love bringing Ganapati home every year. And I do feel strongly about certain things like environment. Having lived in Mumbai, I have observed that all these sarvjanik Ganapati Pandals are more of social and political in nature than purely religious. Which is fine and in a way it brings about a certain flavour, typical to this festival. But then it also brings about certain serious environment issues with it and they have to be addressed sooner than we would like to.

Now the question is can't we work backwards? Like create Ganpatis which are of a particular size, made of purely biodegradable material, including the colours.  Not allow any other idol to be submerged in water bodies if it is not conforming to 'save-environment' specifications. Having done that can't the same very people who danced all the way to visarjan go and help clean the beaches and other places where they happily bid farewell to their loving God. Ganapati Bappa would love to go on an eco-drive.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Yeh KICK kya hai?

This is the first time I have seen a Salman movie so late..'allah maaf kare'. No, my brotherely affection for him has not lessened its just that there were other issues. Another thing is that I have consciously decided to not rip the films apart in my reviews because I am a wanna be film maker, writer and tomorrow I may land up making a film with same guys in the film fraternity so I avoid critical confrontations. Like for Humpty Sharma ki Dulhania..(kheeekheeekheee) But kahe bina raha bhi nahin jaata, so may be I will consider with "conditions apply" in the future.

Lets KICK start my review... Its a story of a boy who is almost like a video games addict, so he loves banging cars, flying bikes like copters and likes to live life on the edge for that extra KICK. Actually its the same KICK we all are also looking for, so we keep sitting glued to cinema hall chairs enduring his nonsense for quite long waiting for that KICK to happen. Now to cure his KICK disorder Jacqueline enters as a qualified psychiatrist. Fair enough.. n she falls in love with...oops, with his disorder n together they enjoy the chaos for sometime including a song in which she suddenly turns to some yoga poses like parvat asana, then doing some stretches and some trapeze dance moves. That seriously made me think that she should have been shown as a circus artist and Salman would have had got a bigger KICK. (khee khee kheee)

At times the movie looks like a biopic of bhai. High on life, banging carz..... like he said in one of the TV shows that he misses his carefree younger days.... well his character is a 40 year old who is still clinging to his boyhood. But towards the end, the movie actually gives you a KICK when you see the sensitive Sallu bhai shedding a tear for a orphaned little girl suffering from cancer.. Perhaps like his real life he becomes a guardian angel to so many kids suffering from cancer. You fall in love with this super cute boy-man one more time. So so so 'being human'.

I wanted to see more of Nawazuddin Sheikh with Salman.. with more interesting dialogues...for that extra KICK. But aisa nahin hua.. bhai ne ek hi KICK mein us se screen aur film se bahar kar diya. Randeep Hooda looked fine but for his dirty teeth.. he needs dental appointment.

Not much rib tickling comedy in comparison to rib breaking action. My KICK ASS moment of the film.. last shot when Bhai turns up as Police Officer..face to face with Randeep Hooda to deliver the finally KICK to the villains.. Randeep smiles for the first time with "Ladki aur naukri dono toh chali gayee.."

Go watch the film if you are Salman Khan fan. There is Entertainment, entertainment, entertainment. The songs are super, especially the 'Hangover' in Bhai's aawaaz...Well this is a nice Eid gift to his fans... Eid Mubarak.. go check the film out if you have not.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

No Cable TV, no Newspaper

"Essentialism isn’t about doing more things it’s about doing more of the right things. It means it means saying no to many good things so we can say yes to a few great things. It is a disciplined pursuit of what really matters. It is hard; it is worth it.... "

Found this in an article posted by my friend Jyoti. Well, this is an answer to why I had stopped my everyday newspaper and why I do not have a cable connection at home for the last three years. Newspaper is a luxury on Sundays and internet gets me my quick byte of news on twitter n others and at my pace n requirement. I have time to revisit my poetry and other creative writing. I begin my day with yoga.

My younger daughter gets her student edition which is crisp and precise and witin the limits of decency and sows the right seeds in a young fertile mind. Are we missing out something?  May be not. My daughters are voracious readers, have developed a good bond with encyclopedias and draw in their leisure time.. They have ample time to talk to one another, giggle, hug, roll and fight as well which most people don't do these days. Together we have lots of time to spend with each other.

I have lesser raddi at home.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Dressing Down??

Chennai Club turned away a Judge because he was wearing dhoti. Dressing down people? This is happening in so called high profile clubs and defence clubs n messes as well. Its disgraceful. Even on an Indian festival you are sent back because the dress code for men is strictly firangi. These same very clubs allow half naked and semi-clad women. How very courteous! We are an Independent nation and we do not have respect for our national attire. What is formal in Indian attire? Lets all know it. And once it is declared it should be worn anywhere. If you can wear a decent dhoti to the parliament you can wear it anywhere, all institutions are below it. Isn't it? Any institution stating otherwise should be shut down and all licenses cancelled.

Bhutan, a small nation, has bigger national pride. Every citizen proudly wears the national dress. Same should be in India.

And why have an imperial code of dressing?. angrez chale gaye hain.. गुलामी तो ख़त्म हो गई पर कुछ गुलाम मानसिकता वाले पीछे छूट गए।  धोभी के कुत्ते न घर के न घाट के।  हिंदुस्तानी लिबास में सम्मान नहीं होता तो पार्लियामेंट में क्यों पहना जाता।  क्या वहां की गरिमा ख़राब नहीं होती?  सबसे पहले तो राष्ट्रीय पोशाक क्या है इसकी जानकारी उपलब्ध होनी चाहिए। ताकि हर हिंदुस्तानी शान से अपनी संस्कृति और अपने लिबास का सम्मान कर सके।
I would love to see Indian men wearing Indian formals in offices and work places as well. Not only they look dapper, they look very respectful. Its most suited to our climate as well.  Its also about power dressing.. #NarendraModi is seen as a power dresser world leader. Do we need more proofs?
Last but not the least Indian men look the sexiest in Indian formals.

‪#‎indiazaroorSudharega‬ ‪#‎merabharatmahaan‬ ‪#‎BJP‬ ‪#‎Narendramodi‬ ‪#‎Thenewcodeofdressing‬ Please share it as much as possible... Make Indian dresses our national pride.

This is the full news ......
Here's the news ...Chennai club turns away a Judge for wearing dhoti...

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The only purpose in life is Happiness..

It takes a lot of introspection and knowledge to understand ourselves. This whole journey of life is about getting to know ourselves and our purpose of life. In fact in simple words the purpose is to be "Happy". Think about it, whatever we do, we seek happiness in it. We want to be happy. We do things which give us happiness...however transient. Somewhere in life we lose a track of that purpose of 'happiness' and make other non-issues our priority and everything goes haywire.

If we focus on one simple value "happiness", we will understand that we can not be happy all by ourselves. For me to be be happy it is very important that my children are happy, my family is happy, my extended family is happy,  my friends are happy,  my helpers are happy,  my neighbors are happy, people in my extended circle are happy, my coworkers and colleagues are happy, the people I meet, see, interact or do not interact are happy and so on... Its an endless chain. Otherwise how can a stranger abusing on the road make you unhappy? How can an air-crash miles away leave you with tinge of sorrow? How can a simple news of people dying of hunger leave you so perturbed? But it does happen. Focus back on 'Happiness'. Be aware that Happiness is the key.. so I begin first to keep my kids happy, my family happy, my extended family happy, my friends happy, my helpers happy... and down to the chain, in my every interaction in this world. Its not very easy. You have to keep reminding yourself.

Had a very good session with X class students today morning and I realized one thing that most of us have been brought up on, which is a very wrong premise, is,"There is a cut throat competition, you have to work hard and prove yourself. Somewhere also conveying to be discreet and not share knowledge because "YOU" have to be the best, no matter what." Always trying hard to look the best and trying hard to get the highest marks itself takes away a big chunk of happiness away. No wonder today studies is seen a burden and not some kind of learning to make one happy. I wish we were encouraging children to imbibe knowledge and evolve as happy human beings. All other values are complimentary. If we focus on creating HAPPINESS around us, we will have happiness inside us.

Now coming back to that bit of wisdom that dawned upon me, if we focus on only 'being HAPPY' we will work towards making others also happy and in the process every one will grow with lesser or may be no insecurity. If Bhutan can work on Gross National Happiness, so can we.

I am working towards it. I do stumble, fall n fail but its a constant process of learning to be happy... which is ensuring that I try to be happy by helping others to be happy.. :)

Friday, July 4, 2014


Just saw #BobbyJasoos. Very engaging script by a woman writer,  enacted by the most beautiful n versatile #VidyaBalan. Superbly supported by most actors. Set in my hometown #Hyderabad with the flavour of #HyderabadiLingo.  Its funny, its emotional, its believable. Its out n out a family film. Keeps you hooked on from the first frame till the last. Vidya looks a little heavier compared to her Tasawur, the tall and handsome Ali Fasal. But it goes so well with the story that you don't mind it. In any case Vidya Balan's is so true to her character that you fall in love with her...one more time. Not to be missed.. This enters my list of favorites..

If this is not a superhit then something is wrong with our sensibilities. Yes guys, its a film devoid of skin show, mindless action and cheap comedy. There is one song filmed beautifully in the Golconda fort and has some nice lyrics..... :)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Where the hell did you go this Sunday? That's how most of my friends ask me. I have a compulsive urge to see new places.... I can not say where and when. Its all circumstantial....if I may say. Will explain that sometime. Sometimes I don't know the plan till 11 on Saturday night and suddenly I am out..99%, with my daughters. They hate me for that. I mean, waking them up on holidays and dragging them to various far off places. I blackmail them too... and it works. This time they were off to Nehru Science Centre with the school and me to Tungreshwar.

Friends are a good company too. The friends to learn from..friends who inspire. re this time.

We visited the temple just before Shivratri and I felt very nice about it. But unlike the monsoons there were no streams, no waterfalls and the soil on the trek was all loose and dry. The sunTungreshwar happened just like that with Sudarshan and Ashwin. One a good trekker with loads of stamina and other a good photographer. Sudarshan was our trek guide :) and a good one at that. :) Ashwin was good with photography tips and I managed some insect pictures for the first time in my life. We first walked up to the temple. On our way up we saw people gathering Dhatura fruits n flowers and I requested them for some to offer to Lord Shiva. Once at the temple the guys were excitedly looking for a Cobra that they had spotted months back on same trek. Mr Cobra was not the was blazing and it was really tough once we start ascending towards Balyogi ashram. Sudarshan won't agree because he was fast n fresh through out the about ten km uphill.


Cutting the long trek short..we reached Balyogi Ashram n as Sudarshan had promised on the way, we got hot meal and stimulating hot herbal tea. Photography is not permitted at the Ashram and not even a thank you and okay. An old baba (caretaker) got after Ashwin everytime he said Ok. Finally we appeased him with "Ram" and left that place. I took some shots of the place from outside.

Guzarish Baarish ki...

इ ससुरा कौन सी नाराज़गी है भगवान जी, पल्स पोलिओ की तरह दो बूँद बरसा कर, तरसा कर निकल जाते हो। अरे भइये जुलाई का महीना आ गया अब तो बारिश को बारिश की तरह बरसने दो। और हाँ मैं अपने लिए नहीं कह रही। अरे मेरी तो अलमारी में भी बाढ़ आ जाएगी। मेरी जाने दो। अन्नदाता, किसानों पर रहम करो। अरे मुझे तो उन पर भी तरस आता है जो लोग १५ दिनों से छाता ढोते घूम रहे हैं।  हवा इतनी तेज़ है की धूप से बचने के लिए भी छाता खोल नहीं सकते।  और कुछ बेचारे तो मरीन ड्राइव पर समुन्दर की लहरों की बौछारों से ही दिल बहला कर लौट जाते हैं। और आप ने इतने दिनों से FM नहीं चलाया? रेडियो न जाने कितने दिनों से बारिश के नग्मे बजा बजा कर थक गया। किसी बात की हद होती है, हाँ।  चलो बात मानो अच्छी सी बारिश की शुरुयात् कर दो।

 आज रात को ही because I love a rainy night and I will play I love a rainy night by Eddie Rabbit track and dance.. and dedicate it to you... OK?

Friday, June 20, 2014

Rail ka Safar hoga Suffer

Railway passenger fare increased by 14.2 per cent with effect from today; freight charges increased by 6.5 per cent... 

With immediate effect.. very good.

Few questions that we all should ask..
1. Why not do away with free railway passes to all politicians because they too are Govt. servants and they are getting big salaries and can pay for themselves?
2. Why not get cracking on the Black Money Modiji. Bada mudda toh wahi tha na..??
3. Why not think about generating revenue in Railways by ads on the panels near the doors?
4. Why not think about saving money by giving a rationed quota of fuel and electricity to every one in the powerful positions?  Not an unlimited supply.
5. Why not reduce foreign trips of politicians? 
6. Why not stop loot by the catering contractors in the trains?

We are still waiting for mind-blowing governance ideas. And of course for the Black Money.  Lets get real. Increasing railway fares is nothing new....

रेल किराये फिर बढ़े ।  गाज़ 'गरीब' आदमी पर ही क्यों गिरती है? राजधानी और दुरंतो ट्रेनों का भारी भरकम भाड़ा देकर भी गंदे बिस्तर मिलतें हैं। खाने में भी कटौती हो गई है। और तो और इस घटिया सर्विस के लिए टिप भी देनी  पड़ती है। :) कोई न दे तो उसको खाने दौड़ते हैं। रेल मंत्री को कहिये हवाई जहाजों की बजाये ट्रेनों में सफ़र करें बहुत कुछ सीखने को मिलेगा। शायद एक आम भारतीय की ज़िन्दगी का सफ़र कुछ बेहतर हो सके।

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Learning Disabilities or Dyslexic by choice..for the board exams?


Yesterday the SSC board results were out. Met someone from a SOBO school who had appeared for these exams and secured over 80% marks. Interestingly this student has availed certain wavers and concessions as he is a dyslexic. What is truly interesting is that there are 30% students in his class who have got similar exemptions under learning disabilities. This is the case in one school. In South Bombay, the doctors at Nair hospital and KEM hospital issue a certificate for such children. There is supposed to be a procedure and it takes about some time for parents n children to ascertain any such disability.

Some parents try and help their children by managing a LD certificate so that their child who is otherwise normal gets certain concessions and scores better. It will very interesting study to know how many students appeared with learning disability in the current year? And why is the number on the rise? Why students and parents recognize learning disabilities in the pre-board or board years only? There could be fake cases as well. There are many factors contributing to this occurrence.

What could have been started as a genuine project is being exploited by people who should not be availing such concessions. The doctors' integrity and professionalism in certifying theses students too is questionable. The genuine cases too may loose their credibility. I hope we aren't spreading and creating an ALL NEW DISABILITY... Disability to face board examination.

Is this provision being exploited, this must be examined. Or we will either have a rise in the number of dyslexics or morally corrupt GEN Z..

Here's what LD certificate provisions mean...Have I look at this to know what is being said..


  • 25% Extra time
  • Oral Test along with the written examination for Standard I to IX
    • Promotion to next class on the basis of the Average
  • Writer/ typewriter
  • Question papers to be read out
  • Exemption from the Second and Third Language
  • Physiology-Hygiene and Home Science in place of Science
  • Arithmetic 
         Standard I to IV – errors of interchanging of computation signs and number reversal to be ignored
    • Arithmetic of Standard V in Standard V & VI
    • Arithmetic of Standard VI in Standard VII & VIII
    • Arithmetic of Standard VII in Standard IX & X

  • Use of Calculator at Class X Examination
  • Spelling errors and incorrect sentence construction to be ignored.
  • Errors in respect of showing directions in Geography to be ignored.
  • Students between Standard I & IX exempted from drawing diagrams, graphs, and charts.
  • Marks for such questions proportionately distributed to the other questions or students to be provided with supplementary questions.
  • 20% consolidated grace marks in one or more subjects
  • Students are permitted to write in ordinary print
  • Exempted from having to write answers in detail during exams
How to apply for provisions –
  • A Certificate is required from the Govt. Surgeon General in Mumbai.
  • Certificate can be obtained from the LD Clinics of LTMG Hospital, Sion , Nair Hospital and K.E.M Hospital.
  • Applications along with the certificate must reach the Board by January.
  • For students of standard V TO IX, the school may apply to the Deputy Director of Education through the Divisional Inspector.
  • These provisions have been offered since 1996, when the first batch of 13 students with dyslexia appeared for the SSC (Std X) exams. In 2001, the state government passed a Government Resolution formalizing these provisions.
  • Similar provisions are available at the school level, for students from Std. I to IX. Schools are required to forward the relevant documentation to the Ward Education Officer at the local Municipal Department, to get the approval of the Dy. Director of Education (Secondary Schools). Schools that do not prepare students for the State Board examinations are also covered (i.e. ICSE and CBSE schools).
  • A recent circular from the Dy. Director of Higher and Technical Education extends these provisions to Technical Institutions, Non-agricultural and Agricultural Universities, effectively covering students in under-and post-graduate courses.
  • As a safeguard against fraudulent practices, the certificates are signed only by the Head of Department.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Look a gift horse in the mouth....have to!!

Got yet another gift from someone who did not need it or like it. I have received such unwanted gifts all my life from friends and my immediate family, including my husband. Then they complain "Oh, you don't use it?" Now just because I come across as a simple person with simple tastes does not mean I will appreciate every s**t that is passed on as gift to me. I think so much about and before buying a gift for someone. And these people they never spare a thought. I think, I have never said it but its about time I have to say....."PLEASE DON'T PASS ON THAT F**KING ***T TO ME, I AM BETTER WITHOUT YOUR GIFTS"...
There is a list of things which I hated the time I got them. Like the clothes you get on marriages of relatives. Isssshhh.. Like the brown and maroon and dark orange colour suit pieces I got.. and handed over to maids ASAP. Or the garish synthetic sarees I received as a token of bloody love. I passed on that love to the needy n deserving ones. The curios people brought home when they came for a dinner were clearly those which had been wrapped over n over as they exchanged hands for God knows how many years.. Those synthetic purses and handbags that I would not have been seen dead with too were handed over to my maids. The Italian leather bag with a 550 dollar tag is kept wrapped. Useless, impractical and not suited to my taste. The Jasmine fragrance..so bloody what if it was imported and expensive. It smells just the same as those on half saree clad Andhra girls wearing Jasmine flowers. I am using it as a room freshener. Those plasticky photo frames. Oh shit.. Yes, I said I love collecting frames but unique ones not those plastic ones from China. The list is endless.. Heights were expired box of imported biscuits from an army officer.  I was polite all these years. But not any more....

I am simple not simpleton.

Friday, May 30, 2014

My Dot Com

My First Computer in 1999
Well the year was 1992..Computer was the buzz word. I read that those who would not learn computers would lag behind. The new world was going to belong to the computer savvy and so I got myself enrolled in the first available course to get acquainted with the new monster.

The first lesson on MS-DOS was to type my name and I wrote "STUPID" for fun.  It wrote back "Nice to meet you, Stupid".. I was laughing..amused. I was completely at ease with the Monster..from the word GO.
It costed me 69 thousand for Wipro Computer n Printer, in the year 1999

Sold it as scrap on March 10, 2014 for a whooping sum of Rs. 500/=

The Original Packing
It was a certificate course that familiarized me with the computer jargon..MS DOS the operating system, Wordstar to type my articles, DBase to keep address books, Lotus123 to do calculations n graphs. It was kind of very empowering. I could identify the news about computers, web n all that.  In 1993 I had my first email account on usa.net. The tech world was evolving at a very very fast pace,. Andhra Pradesh was the first tech savvy state. Chander Babu Naidu had changed the way Government was functioning. So, I did a refresher course for a month to keep abreast with technology. The Windows to the world had arrived. The young Andhraites had begun an exodus to US of the A dotting Silicon Valley n every computer business abroad.

It was an opportunity for future. A friend came home and discussed about his new Software venture at Amritsar in Punjab. My mom tried to convince him that Ludhiana was a better place for his choice of business. We were bewildered at her new tech analysis. So she explained how she could get him contacts to manufacture soft wear.  After all one of her relatives was manufacturing tee-shirts. (Superior soft wear types). We had a LOL session that night. I even got a middle piece published about that anecdote. My articles were hand written n hand delivered to Deccan Chronicle n Times of India Hyderabad. (Those were the days my friend... makes me feel ancient.)

In 1994 I hired a computer for rupees 3K a month and kept it for 3 months and extracted full worth out of it. I explored every application loaded on it and experimented with every damn lock n key. So it crashed once and was replaced. I realized it was a very smart decision until the replaced computer opened a 'dirty picture' of a model on the desktop. That day, I learnt how to delete it and forever. :)

Y2K was the talk of the computer world in the year 1999. Another confusion filled year. I was made to believe that it would a wise decision to buy a machine before 2000. So I bought a Pentium 3 with the latest configuration of speed and 10 GB HD. Wow!! A loan of Rs 68 thousand 7 Hundred something. :( It had two crashes and well within the warranty period and free replacements were given for HD, I was so happy for Paisa Vasool service and forgot about all the reminder calls I had made to WIPRO n its lazy staff in Chandigarh)

It was my proud possession and I wrote my articles on it. There was no internet but I printed out stuff and sent to publishers. When my daughter arrived I made posters, a monthly newsletter about her to share with my family n her pop who was posted in the field. Printed out invites, letters, posters, greeting cards and many cute things. By 2001 my little daughter too found it very interesting as I got floppy discs with Rhymes and cartoons for her. By 2003 n 2004 I was an expert and became a prolific writer getting published at least 3 times a week. Despite the paltry sum that I got for every article, I had a big cheque at the end of one year to buy a decent Golf Set (full) for gifting my husband. Of course it was an incredible journey through various places of posting and I was the first one to get a broadband and explore SKYPE, all thanks to my tech savvy globe trotting younger brothers.

2009 my brothers helped me graduate to an all new Macbook Pro that was brought from US. Mom too got one for herself for she could now very well differentiate between softwear n software n already had a desktop to herself and a couple of short courses to catch up with the changing times. She learned computer basics at the age of 60. So with Apple Inc. my world changed. Initially I had hated Steve Jobs, for Mac is so different from Windows... Hahaha...and my daughters had already grabbed my desktop. They did not let me touch that ever again.

My younger daughter is a budding writer and a gadget freak so she became the master of the machine. She did pretty interesting work on the machine. But with years my old friend began developing aging sickness. It will hang or black out suddenly and the speakers n sound were the first ones to go. One day, I saw my daughter watching a movie on it. I said what are you watching without  a speaker. She had a big grin on her impish face...she said, "BARFI".. Crazy, that's what she is.

Sadly one fine day this old friend went into COMA. My daughters love woke it one day and it was back to life but not for too long. It stayed dead on her desk and gathered dust. It was time to say goodbye to it. So I dug out the packing too(all original as we service people always preserve packing material for postings n transfers) to dispose. I packed my old companion with dignity and bid it a farewell... Where ever it has gone... the memories are with me and they are sweet.

Gross National Happiness

The last day in Beautiful #Bhutan we almost lost track of the roads. It was raining n getting late in the evening so we asked various people at various turns for directions. Then we met this young lad studying in class 12th, who offered to show us the way if we let him sit in the car. We were fine with that. His name was Sunil as his father was a Gurkha married to a Bhutanese. He kept navigating us through roads absolutely unfamiliar. I wondered if he was maneuvering us to get closest to his destination. I actually blurted it out in jest. "No ma'am, I actually work for "Gross National Happiness". I was pleasantly surprised. He took us exactly where we wanted to be but surely farther from his destination.

I felt overwhelmed. If only everyone in this world worked for Gross National Happiness in their countries what a wonderful place this world would be...

Thank you Sunil, you left a memorable impression on my mind. God bless you!! God bless your peaceful happy nation!!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Mayfair or Unfair???

It was my first time at Mayfair near Gangtok. Known for its Casino Mahjong, the only Casino in mainland India and its Spa, it is a popular tourist destination. The first thing after checking in was an appointment in the spa. I was not particularly tired but I was looking forward to a good massage. Since my husband had been there earlier, he knew the girls well and the services offered. Before I could understand he vanished with one of the girls, read therapist. The Spa manager said, "Ma'am you will go for a couple massage. Sir, is waiting for you." Frankly, I was uncomfortable at that place from the word go so I asked, "Couple massage...??"
"Couple massage with two girls for both of you".
I was more confused..I said, "No"
"Ma'am we can give a male and female for you both, if you are comfortable. Will that be fine with you?"
Holy crap, I was beginning to feel so sleazy already. I said, "No, may be you give me only a head massage in a different room because I don't want any couple massage."
God knows what happened and she asked me if I should send a male therapist for my husband. I said, "Of course".
Another petite looking twenty two year old took me to change. I went into another room with this girl and had the worst ever massage of my life. I remembered the maalish wali amma at home and the way her hands soothed my skin. Here I was in an air-conditioned spa room talking to my 'therapist' (an over-rated term for masseurs) and what ever came out in that conversation made me feel sick. I wondered how many filthy fat rich men had lied on that bed before me. How many would have asked sexual favours from these young girls, all aged between 18 and 26, some younger than their own daughters. My body was feeling heavier and heavier and my head swooning. As she moved her entire fore-arms over various parts of my body, I felt uncomfortable because these very girls massaged men, perhaps even my husband in the same way and that thought was repulsive. Yes, most men, 99% are given female therapists. Male therapists (there are only two) aren't allowed to massage the opposite sex but they are popular with couples. If you are wondering still.. well, I am told about some young women desperately seeking male therapists...even at a premium. Ditto for some couples. (But aren't allowed.)

I was already feeling like shit and hell this was not even Thailand. I was neither amused nor relaxed. I was very annoyed with myself.  Call me old-fashioned but someone from the opposite sex touching your partner is not amusing...not to me at least. Anyway...

My husband was sleeping like a dead man after that man to man massage.  I was sure he lied to me about the last time that the therapist was a man. After this visit I had learned certain truths.

I can't do shit about the lie but I am hugely pleased with myself for sending a male therapist to him this time and screwing his happiness. He was pretty surprised how his girlie masseur changed into a young boy.  What the fuck!!

I asked him, "Did you fall sleep even last time?"
He said, "No, I could not."

F>>>F>>>>F>>>> how could he with a young girl pleasuring him?

Mayfair...wtf...is not fair!!! Its sexist. Its unfair to the fairer sex.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Happy Women's Day, Girls!!! (Be a Queen!!)

Happy Women's Day..Girls!! I just had a brilliant start to my special day, where we mothers, celebrated the Women's Day with Sisters and teachers at our daughters' Convent this morning.

Then in the afternoon, Queen just happened. I walked in without much anticipation and walked out feeling very proud as a woman. Its the best Women's Day gift for any women. #Kangana Ranaut in and as #Queen steals your heart. Hats off to Indian film makers, they are able to read the pulse of the changing Indian Woman. The new Indian woman is emerging stronger and so much empowered. She is a woman who is ready to live her life on her terms.

Kangana Ranaut's Queen is cute, interesting Indian story told with international feel. Minimalistic make up,  realistic styling suited to her character-sketch and natural shots actually make the story believable and lovable.  Every woman/girl must watch, it could very well be her story. (Every man must watch...because he has to watch out for these kind of brave new women....whom he can not and he dare not think of taking for granted)  <3

Monday, January 27, 2014

What the funk they create??

Take this funk......

Women are not like buses, they are like Mumbai taxis. If you miss one, theres always another that comes along to reject you - via

Yo Yo Honey Singh says
Kudiyon ka laga hai buffet...
These men are born to such taxis and such men have mothers who had been picked up from a buffet spread. Well that is their family affair and why are they making a statement about it indirectly. Even if they are, why is the censor sleeping over it? Sorry guys I know you are bankrupt of ideas and all you can think and blabber is what you have imbibed at home. Keep you home truths and wisdom to your four walls and to your foul family n friends.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Vande Matram, Jai Hind...Happy Republic Day!!

गणतन्त्र दिवस की सुबह गुनगुनाने का मन करता है
शहीदों की  याद में सर झुकाने का मन करता है।
आज़ादी कि खुली फ़िज़ायों में
तिरंगा फ़हराने का मन  करता है। ।

Today is Republic Day... and I was at the Marine Drive with many others who became a part of this historical celebration. It was a perfect setting for celebrating a National festival. Wonder why it took 35 long years to bring Republic Day Parade to Queen's Necklace...the famous Marine Drive... Vast Arabian Sea on one side and heritage Marine Drive buildings on the other...while thousands sat or stood on the promenade, hundreds stood on their terraces and balconies to spread cheer to the mighty display of valour, pride and India's diverse colourful culture..

Bombay is Bollywood and glamour and while the exotic Vintage beauties rolled on to the Marine drive it brought in the bollywood starz on ground..literally taare zameen par. A double delight visual treat, it gave a befitting finale to the historical Republic Day parade at the Marine Drive aka Netaji Subhash Chander Bose road.

Following are the links to my Public Albums for you to enjoy... Have fun, Happy Republic Day to you all...

Vande Matram!! Jai Hind!! Jai Ho Hindustan!!

Republic Day @Marine Drive 

Taare Zameen Par in Vintage Carz