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Monday, November 24, 2014

Sanskrit..ization..WHY NOT?

I studied #Russian language in the university and I was surprised to see its similarity to #Sanskrit. The grammar is almost same. Many words too have roots in #Sanskrit. So is #German. Many languages have evolved from #Sanskrit. Its a root language or as they say the mother language. Anybody knowing #Sanskrit will find it extremely easy to understand other languages. I do not understand the hullabaloo about it being introduced in schools as a compulsory language. It may seem like a bitter medicine to begin with but it will do lot of good to our nation. There is wealth of knowledge in our ancient scriptures, be it sciences or pure arts. If the text are not read by the future scientists, architects, doctors, engineers and artists how will they ever understand what has been gifted to them. The knowledge needs to be comprehended, understood and applied in the society for its betterment. Sanskrit should be made mandatory for medical students, architecture and engineering students. They should be made to study ancient scripture too as a part of the curriculum. The difference between #Sanskrit and English is same as Homemade wholesome food and fast food. If we want true nourishment to our brains we must take lessons in #Sanskrit.

 In any case students can learn foreign languages at various other institutions such as Max Mueller Bhawan and Alliance Francaise.

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